We will help determine our client’s real estate objectives after understanding your business needs and issues, and considering growth projections, financial goals, market conditions and the need for flexibility, including such specific strategic services as:

*  Portfolio analysis and evaluation
*  Downsizing or expansion analysis
*  Consolidations to reduce occupancy costs
*  Early renewals where market conditions are favorable
*  Renegotiation of existing leases      
*  Evaluation of renovating existing facilities and build-to-   suit opportunities

This phase is the foundation of the transaction.  Among the considerations to be discussed

Analysis Of Existing Lease Parking Requirements Completion Date
Lease Assumption Data Processing Needs Size
Build To Suit Design Issues Clear Height
Cost Objectives Security Sprinkler System
Location Preferences Amenities Dock Doors
Size Requirements Nearby Support Facilities Electrical Requirements
Expansion And Growth Plans After Hours HVAC Bay Depths
Term Of Lease Signage HVAC Requirements
Move Date Special Considerations Rail Access
Tenant Improvements ADA & Environmental Truck Access
Image Preference Moving Allowance Developer/Owner
Location of Clients Renewal Options ADA & Environmental
Concessions Lease Clauses  
Life Safety Features Public Transportation  
Above Standard Improvements Access / Ingress  
Building Management